CHAIN LINK FENCE CONTRACTORS TEMECULA CAChain link fences can be known by many different names such as wire netting, cyclone fence, chain-wire fence, hurricane fence, and diamond-mesh fence. Regardless of how you call it, the simple fencing is excellent for enclosing in large areas. You may remember this fencing from your school days in the playground and most commonly seen in many parks still to this day. Chain link fencing is a great way to cover larger areas at a lower cost than many other options. Plus, chain link being made from metal can withstand a lot of beating from the elements or people. What Is Chain Link Fencing? Chain link fencing is made from a wire usually made from galvanized steel wire. Basically, it means that the material is protected from rusting and other wear from the elements. The wire is then woven in a zigzag pattern to create diamond shapes. This is why it is often referred to as diamond-mesh or wire-mesh fencing. Benefits Of Chain Link Fencing Again, one of the main advantages of chain link fencing is that the material is cheap. The other thing is that this type of fencing is easy to get and often comes in 20-foot to 50-foot rolls. Another benefit is that the fencing comes in many different heights from 3 feet all the way to 12 feet, so it can be used for many different projects. The mesh length is usually about 2 inches but can be varied based on needs. The other thing is because of the open nature of this kind of fencing it allows plenty of natural light through and wind. This is great in being able to enable ball courts to be enclosed but not hindering necessary daylight from getting in, as well, since the wind will just pass through, it is excellent for cooling players on hot days or allow furious winds past in mighty storms. Chain Link Fence Installation Like any type of fencing, it starts with the posts. For chain link fencing the posts are usually steel tubing, though timber or concrete can be used, are driven into the ground or set in concrete. This means chain link fences can be a great temporary enclosure or more permanent depending on your needs. Once the posts are set, the chain link is unraveled from post to post and finally tied to the chain link to the posts. Also, vertical stringers may be added depending on the fence height for any needed strength. Chain Link Fence Repair Due to the way chain link fencing is made and installed, it is also effortless to repair. If a section has been damaged, a new mesh can be woven into the damaged area place or a whole section is quickly taken down to allow the new chain link fence mesh to be installed in its place. No matter how we can get your chain link fence looking and work great for you again. No matter if you need a temporary fence or something more permanent, chain link fencing and wood fence are excellent for all of your enclosures and budgets. |